Photoshoots During the Smokey Season - You Should Still Do it!
Glacier National Park is known for its majestic scenery, which makes it a popular destination for families, especially those with kids. Even though the smoky season poses challenges, it doesn't mean you should miss out on this incredible experience. The park offers various activities and attractions that will keep your whole family entertained.

Why Family Photography is Important
Imagine your children twirling amidst a field of vibrant wildflowers, their laughter harmonizing with the melodies of nature. Or perhaps your family gathers around a serene mountain lake, each member radiating their unique spirit and personality. The photographer becomes a storyteller, weaving together moments and emotions into a tapestry that will forever remind you of the love and laughter shared during that special summer vacation.

In-home Young Family Photo Session
This in-home photo session is a perfect example of what I aim for with toddlers! We start with seeing how much they are willing to smile, then get a posed shot *IF they are ready! Then we do an interesting activity, then another posed shot, then another activity, and so on and so forth.