Preparing for Your Photoshoot with Your Dog

Bringing your dog to your photo session is always welcome with me! As long as we’re in an area that allows them, I think dogs are a great addition to sessions as they are, after all, members of your family! Here’s what you need to bring to make your photos as successful as possible:

  • A flexible and fun-loving attitude

  • A leash

  • Treats

  • Dog bowl & water for hot days

  • Lint roller

Photographing your dog usually takes a bit of time to get them into place or a couple of shots of the same activity. I will put some of their favorite treats in my pockets and hold them in my hands while I’m shooting, I’ll be super loud and obnoxious to get their attention, and I’m always prepared for slobber! I may also recommend wearing fabrics that aren’t as clingy for dog hair, but this is always up to you. Keeping a calm attitude is important because they will be excited, and anxious about the new activity, and feed off of your feelings. I even have difficulty getting my dogs to sit still during their photos, so please don’t be embarrassed! I’ve seen pretty much all animal behaviors at this point in my photography business.




Wildflower Senior Photos in Glacier National Park


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